The Fechner correlation coefficient, also known as the rank correlation coefficient, is used to estimate the degree of relationship between two variables. Here are some formulas related to this coefficient:

  1. Fechner correlation coefficient (r):
    r = 1 – \frac{6 \sum d_i^2}{n(n^2 – 1)}
  • (d_i) is the difference between the ranks for each pair of observations,
  • (n) — total number of observations.
  1. Calculation of ranks:
  • Assign ranks to each value in the sample. If there are identical values, assign them the average rank.
  1. Sum of squared differences of ranks:
    \sum d_i^2 = \sum (R_1 – R_2)^2
    where (R_1) and (R_2) are the ranks of the two variables.
  2. Significance check:
  • To test the significance of the correlation coefficient, you can use tables of critical values ​​or perform significance tests.

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